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They said about me

Mgr. Eva Turáková, founder and director of Private elementary school and kindergarten for pupils with autism, the founder of Francesco – regional autistic center and KACP – county autistic center.

“I remember it as it was today when I saw Julia for the first time in our school, it was time when were based at Franciscan order monastery. She was like a vision, fairy tale being, beautiful thick fleece of hair, amazing dreamy eyes. This is how fairies in fairy tales look like. Julia grew up to a young lady who was gifted by God very much, the gifts of whom her parents, teachers and therapists try to develop with love. That magic dreaminess and purity of a wonderful human being fortunately remains her most rare gift.”


PaedDr. Eva Soroková, former teacher in kindergarten for children with autism, recently a teacher of elementary school for pupils with autism.

“My first impression was that one beautiful child came in, she looked like an angel. Suddenly a grown-up young lady is standing here. I have had a chance to follow her development. In the first year we could offer creating the structure of the day to Julia, it was necessary to show her certain limits for determination of space too. Maintaining methods and approaches aimed towards everyday life and calming down. At the beginning her behaviour reflected only „me“, later we could see how she started to accept people around her. Julia of today not only makes friends but also offers visible compassionate approach to her classmates, friends, people around her, she helps and protects.”


Anna Vašková, former teacher and nursemaid from kindergarten for children with autism, assistent at elementary school for pupils with autism, recent art therapist.
“How do adults and children do it,
 that meaningful sentences slip their mouths.
 I like the sun and enjoy chocolate too,
 why is it so difficult to make up a sentence about beautiful things?
 What if I dream that we are talking together?
 Do you know what the voice inside my head is really like?
 Skittles cars and scissors working by itself,
 acoustic and full of lights, gripping children´s books.
 I am dreaming that just like I long to understand my questions,
 one day you will be able to find answers through my pictures.”


Mgr. Janka Ovadová, class teacher

“Julia likes music and songs. She is able to look for songs and their lyrics also with the help of the computer on the internet. By copying lyrics she can learn and memorise them. She also manages singing performances and rehearsals for them, which are adjusted to her pace of work. She is sociable and if she is interested, she can make contact with a child or an adult (in her own way). She enjoys dance and playing musical – kinetic games. She can ride a bike with the help of side wheels. During hypotherapy she rides horses independently under the supervision of an adult. Her favourite activity is visiting a swimming pool. She treats water with respect.
Her pictures are content – oriented. She draws mainly what she likes, enjoys and experiences.
She copies texts from books, computer screen and vice versa (with only few mistakes if it is individual work), under supervision, almost without mistakes. Her self-service activities and manual skills in the area of catering and table manners are improving. After snacks she washes up and dries the dishes. She is able to clear the dishes with verbal help. Recently she likes work in the kitchen and prepare simple meals with the help of process scheme and she enjoys it very much.
She founds translating words into other languages (internet translator) to her liking.”